Monday, April 27, 2015

Scoop the Poop Day

This day is just what it sounds like! It is the day to go outside, and scoop your animals poop. For most of us that means your dogs, but for some it could be cows, horses, or other animals. Cat owners get to do this at least once a week.

When I was a kid I, like many others, could not stand to clean up the poop from the backyard. What would happen is right before my parents went to mow the grass, they would have me and brother go outside and "scoop the poop" along with picking up any other random toys or objects that could get in the way of the mower. Now that I am older it isn't as big a deal to pick up poop. . . but maybe thats because I work at a pet store and pick up poop at least 5 times every day? Who knows?

Whatever the case might be, if you have an animial, today is the day to scoop the poop and make your backyard a more pleasant place to walk!

   Reeses & Blossom

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