Wednesday, January 28, 2015

National Kazoo Day

Kazoo day! It is the instrument that you have to hum into to make fun, goofy sounding music.

The kazoo was invented in the 1840's by Alabama Vest and a German clockmaker, Thaddeus Von Klegg. The kazoo has been made from many different materials, such as plastic, wood, and metal.

I remember when I was younger I had a hard time getting the kazoo to work. I was not a big "hummer" so it took me a bit to get a sound out of the little plastic instrument. Now, when I do get my hands on a kazoo, I play it pointless to the music that I already have on. . . . which can sometimes irritate friends and family that might be listening to the other music.

So, if you don't have a kazoo, they are sold in the party section of your local dollar store. The ones that I found either came in normal size kazoos or mini kazoos. Both fall apart really easily - but what do you expect from something that comes from the dollar store!?

   Reeses & Blossom

1 comment:

  1. I kazoo can you? I just think thats fun to say!

    Plus I love "kazooing" 'cause I can't sing!
