Sunday, January 4, 2015

Spaghetti Day

Spaghetti and I have never really gotten along. Sure, it's looks great, smells great, and tastes great. . . .but it is MESSY!  Just trying to take this photo there was spaghetti sauce all over the table cloth I was using!

When I was a kid I was never allowed to get spaghetti when we went to a restaurant until I was a teenager. My parents told me this was because when I was two they let me have spaghetti and it ended up all over my face, clothes, table, and the chair. On my defense though, I was two. Is there really a two year old that can eat spaghetti and not be messy?!

Over the years I seem to have gotten a lot better at eating spaghetti, but I still always end up getting some of the sauce on my shirt. I guess that I like spaghetti so much that I am saving some for later!

   Reeses & Blossom

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