Thursday, July 9, 2015

Childhood Fears Day

What were you afraid of as a kid? The monsters under the bed? Getting eaten alive by the vacuum cleaner? Worms? Well today is all about childhood fears and overcoming them!

When I was a kid I was afraid some strange things.  First of all I was afraid of car washes. My mom always tells me the story about how they took me to the car wash and I wouldn't stop screaming and crying. My mom had to get in the backseat with me, and I was still sobbing. I don't remember that, and now I think that it is fun to go to the car wash. I was also afraid of the Oompa Loompa's from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory. Whenever they came on the screen I would run upstairs, plug my ears, and start humming until I was told that they weren't on the screen. I would do the same thing for the scene where Violet turns into a giant blueberry. I still don't love the creepy oompa loompa's, but I'm not afraid of them. I also had (and still have) the fear of bugs crawling into my ears when I am camping.  It has dulled a little since I got older, but I remember putting in earphones and covering my hair over my ears to keep the bugs out!

So lets try and conquer our childhood fears if we haven't already!

   Reeses & Blossom

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