Friday, March 13, 2015

K-9 Veterans Day

Dogs do so much more than what most of us think. So no wonder they are used in law enforcement and in "battle". Their nose can find things that humans can't and they are much faster than us too. Today is the day to appreciate and honor our K-9 Veterans who have helped serve our country and also our local neighborhoods.

When I was growing up I had a friend who lived two doors down. We would play outside a lot, whether it was climbing trees, making up a game, or finding sticks that made the best 'swish' noise when you waved them. One of our favorite things to do was to throw a Kong around to their 6 labs. Yes, I did say 6. Although we are only suppose to have 5 dogs where we lived, her father had permission to have more. That is because he would take dogs that were trained to sniff for drugs and continue their training. I had a blast watching him practice with the dogs. He would hide multiple things and the dog had to find a specific one and then lay down when they found it. The dogs found it every time!

So take the time to remember those dogs who help us make our country a safer place!

   Reeses & Blossom

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