Thursday, January 22, 2015

Celebration of Life Day

It is the day to celebrate your life! You are alive, and hopefully well, so lets celebrate that!

I'm not really sure how to celebrate this holiday. To me celebrate your life day seemed like a holiday in which we celebrate our birthdays. So should we throw a big party? Have cake? Drink? Give presents?

Sure we could do all that, but I think it is more about appreciating our lives and the good things that have come/ will come from it. So here is a short list of possible things to do for this holiday:

1. Look back at old photos of you.

2. Write a list of your accomplishments.

3.Write about all the positive people/things in your life.

I'm sure there is many more, so please let me know. But for now, live life to its fullest and appreciate that you are here!

   Reeses & Blossom

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