Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Day the Music Died

Growing up, I listened to the song "the day the music died" a few times. I didn't fully understand what the lyrics meant. Looking up this holiday, helped me to find a few different answers to this question.

The meaning behind this song that I learned as a kid was that this song was referring to the day that music videos first went on television. So how is the music dying when we are adding music? The radio stations thought that with music videos on television that people would no longer listen to the radio, thus making it the day the music died.

The other meaning is that today, in 1957, was the day that a plane crashed and killed Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J.P. Richardson. It is speculated that when this song was written, they were referring to this event.

No matter what the reason, I hope that music doesn't actually die. It makes things so much better!

   Reeses & Blossom

1 comment:

  1. Music makes it better as long as its volumn can go higher than my singing!!!: ( or we just might have yodalin day with Blossam again)
