Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentines Day

Hearts, flowers, chocolate, bears, and kisses - that's what I think of when I think of Valentines Day! It is a hallmark holiday celebrating the love that two people share.

Being that I currently do not have a boyfriend, this holiday is not such a big deal to me. Some people without a significant other absolutely hate this holiday. They are sad and depressed or can actually be angry the whole day. But whats the point of that? If you don't have someone else at the moment, then celebrate the people in your life that you do love. Sure, it's not the person that you are going to spend your life with, but I'm sure that you still love your family, friends, or co-workers!

You don't necessarily have to go out and buy your special person a present on Valentines Day. It's about showing someone how much you love and cherish them. So make them a card, sing a song, clean, do something special that you can't just buy in a store. That goes so much further than flowers or chocolate (although those are a nice perk)!

So Happy Valentines Day everyone!


    Reeses & Blossom

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