Monday, May 11, 2015

Eat what you want Day

Ever get the urge to dunk your pizza in some chocolate? Or to slather jelly on your grilled cheese? Well today is all about eating whatever food your heart desires!

This holiday always makes me think of Scooby Doo. Both Scooby Doo and Shaggy eat some of the craziest things - and they don't care what other people think! They eat pizza with M&M's along with many other different food combinations. I know that I have always had cravings for weird things. For example, one of my favorite foods are grilled cheese with grape jelly and ketchup. Why? I'm not sure! It just tastes good! I also love honey on mashed potatoes, the cinnamon stick icing on my pizza, and chocolate on almost anything. I guess I just have way too much of a sweet tooth?

So make sure that you eat whatever you want today. Good, bad, or weird, it is your choice to eat what sounds good to you!

   Reeses & Blossom

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