Sunday, May 24, 2015

Towel Day

Towels. Most of us use at least one every day. I know I use them after I get out of the shower, when I'm washing dishes, and when I'm cleaning. Today is all about celebrating the towel, which gets wetter as it dries!

As a kid I had really long hair. At one point it was down to my hips. I remember when I was younger, learning how to wrap my hair in a towel after a shower so that it would help absorb the moisture. It took me a while to be able to perfect it so that the towel wasn't falling off my head every time I moved, but I eventually mastered it. Then when the first Harry Potter movie came out, a friend and I would wrap our heads up in a towel and pretend that Lord Voldemort was under it, talking to us. . . .Yay imagination!

So go use a towel!

   Reeses & Blossom

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