Sunday, May 17, 2015

Pack Rat Day

Pack Rats. They're not just rats who have backpacks. They are people who like to save everything and not throw anything away - sometimes that includes garbage! So how do we stop ourselves from becoming pack rats. Here is a few tips:

- Don't save literal garbage (wrappers, broken things, etc). Just throw them out!

- When you look at an object think about how long it has been since you have used it or worn it. If it has been a while (as in a year or more), then get rid of it!

- For every new toy or clothing that you bring into the house, get rid of that many that you already have.

- Make a good will box in your house to fill up with things you don't use anymore. When it's full, take it there so that it is no longer in your house.

- If it is something that you absolutely can't get rid of (such as my Cookie Monster collection) then put them in plastic totes and label them so you know exactly what is in each tote. Then store in a safe location.

If it is really bad (hopefully it's not!), just rent a dumpster and do a deep clean of your house!

   Reeses & Blossom

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