Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Eat Your Veggies Day

Vegetables are good for us. It is recommended that we get 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day!

I know as a kid that I never liked to eat my vegetables. I still do not eat enough vegetables as an adult, although I do eat slightly more than I use to. Carrots have always been my favorite. My brother and I were always opposite when it came to carrots. I loved them cooked, while he liked them raw. My mom had to alternate between cooking the carrots and not for dinners so that we would both eat them. I would also eat peas, although not like my brother who would mix them in with his mac and cheese. For the most part though, I always had a hard time with veggies. To me it seemed as though I was eating grass. I never enjoyed the taste or the texture of most veggies. If a salad was put in front of me I wouldn't actually eat the veggies, I would eat the cheese and the croutons.

So lets go eat some veggies, and if your like me, just keep trying to eat them. I've been told that I will learn to love them someday!

   Reeses & Blossom

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