Thursday, June 18, 2015

National Pocket Change Day

If you where to take out everything in your pocket what would you find? An old receipt? Lent? Chapstick? Wallet? A good chunk of the time though we will have some coins, or change in our pockets. What would happen if everyday you took that extra change and saved it in it's own piggy bank? After a while it will add up!

As a kid I loved piggy banks. My favorite was the ones that looked like giant crayons. I had a purple crayon bank that I put all my extra change in. Most of it was just penny's and nickels - but they add up after time! I remember pouring out all of the change and counting it out. I would divide the coins so there were separate piles for pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars, and dollar coins. I would then make stacks of 1 dollars. After all of my hard work, counting out almost 50 dollars worth of coins I would take all of the coins and put them back in my bank.

So start saving your pocket change! It will start to add up!

   Reeses & Blossom

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