Friday, June 26, 2015

National Chocolate Pudding Day

Mmmm. Chocolate Pudding. Who wouldn't want to have a big scoop of that for dessert! Well today you can because it is national chocolate pudding day!

I think that the best chocolate pudding is the ones that you get either at the school cafeteria, or at choir camp (I have a feeling both are the same). I'm not sure why, but the pudding tastes so wonderful that it makes me want to go up for many extra helpings. I don't eat too much pudding otherwise. Every now and then I might be craving a pudding, so I will buy one of the instant chocolate puddings from our local grocery store, and make it for my own enjoyment. Sure, it's not as good as cafeteria pudding, but it isn't bad! It's chocolate! Who doesn't like chocolate?!? (Other than my sister. . . .)

So lets go get some chocolate pudding!

   Reeses & Blossom

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